Saturday, November 6, 2010

Introducing XML--Week 9 readings

Wow!  These articles are getting more and more difficult.  I feel like I'm getting nowhere with some of these readings.  What made the most sense to me after looking at all the articles for this week is that XML is not a standard way of coding text, since it would be impossible to find a way that would work with all languages, but rather a way to pass documents from one computer to another, keeping the structure intact.  If I've gotten this wrong, I hope someone can clear it up for me.  I thought the W3 schools article was the easiest to understand, but there is a lot missing in my basic foundation for these articles to be truly comprehensible.


  1. Hi Melissa,

    At times I also feel as if the readings are becoming difficult. What I learned is that if I do the readings (for the basic foundation),look at the examples, and then re-read, I have a better understanding of the material. Good luck!

  2. Melissa, I feel exactly the same as you. I feel like your short summary is even more than I got out of the readings. I also feel that the tutorial was most helpful, but also lack the foundations. I think it has great examples which help me understand little bits, although I feel I'm missing the overall concept. You are not alone!

  3. Hi Melissa! I am also feeling the same way. I also found the w3c tutorial the most helpful, and the articles, although I was able to extract a few characteristics about XML from them, I don't feel as though I was able to connect some of the dots as I would have liked. Hopefully, after class Monday, some of these disconnects will be cleared up. :)
