Thursday, September 16, 2010

Introduction to Linux

After reading that article, I'm still not sure if your average person, like me, with little to no programming knowledge, would ever want to try Linux.  If my computer already comes with Windows, what are the advantages to switching to Linux?  And could I do it, knowing relatively nothing about programming?


  1. There are some very user-friendly builds of Linux available out there, for example Ubuntu, as well as an avid community of Linux users who I'm sure would be very helpful in getting a Linux system up and running.

    But in honesty, there's not a huge advantage for the average consumer whose computer came with windows pre-installed to switch over, provided you're good about protecting yourself from malware.

    Many of the advantages of Linux (e.g. it's free, it's highly customizable) are most salient for people that already know a little about programming and like to tinker and/or people that build their own computers.

  2. Thanks Zach. That was helpful. It seems to me the average consumer doesn't think about the cost of the OS because it does come installed on most computers at seemingly no cost (although we all know that isn't true.)

  3. I'm like you in that I don't have the programming knowledge to know how use an OS like Linux. For all people complain about Microsoft, I do think they provide a useful product for people who aren't so tech savy. I feel like I need the customer service offered by companies like Microsoft because my own knowledge of computers doesn't help me out much when I have problems or something goes wrong.
