Saturday, October 9, 2010

Computer Networks

I found this week's readings on networks to be enlightening.  I've seen the term LAN used, but I'll admit that I didn't know what it meant.  I also learned a lot concerning the connection of the networks.  There are many types of connections that I didn't know about, including the technology that uses a home's existing wiring to connect at high speeds.  Connectivity is always an issue, and the more we can do with the wiring that already exists in a home, school or office will ultimately save money.  I visited a school library yesterday with all glass walls.  The connectivity problems in that space are daunting, and there are cables running everywhere.  It would be interesting to see if technology could solve some of the problems they have there.


  1. Using an existing wiring system would definitely be a good idea in older buildings. It would save from putting more wires into a building and making them visible to patrons. Personally, I dislike seeing wires laying all over the place. I think that everything else has a place, including wires. I agree that some of the terms I knew of but did not know fully. I was completely unaware what technology was. I think that if more people used this technology, more money would be saved. Allowing that money to be spent elsewhere.

  2. I have the same issues with this article. I knew what networks were but I didn't know the depth of the system.
    I also didn't like to see wires everywhere.
    I also worked in a high school library and there were CONSTANT problems with the network. Pat of the problem is budget (not being able to afford proper networks for an entire school district) and not having the appropriate people who know how to fix and repair the networks.
