Saturday, October 9, 2010


For the sake of time, I have not yet had a chance to read and view the other items that have been posted on RFID, so I will save the questions I have concerning RFID until after I have.  But I did want to comment on two items that I found interesting in the Coyle article.  Number one concerns library security.  She remarks, "The reason to use RFID for security is not because it is especially good for it, but because it is no worse than other security technologies."  She also mentions that there is only a "modicum of security" in the library to begin with.  This begs the question, why spend so much time and money on theft protection if those who really want to steal from the library are able to do so with very little effort?  The second comment I would like to make concerns return on investment.  I imagine this discussion is held everytime the library looks to encorporate new technology, including the soon to be obsolete bar codes and scanners.  I'm not sure if a library could ever justify any purchase if ROI is the driving force.  What I think will happen with RFID is that it will become the standard, bar codes and scanners will go the way of the typewriter, and libraries will be forced to make the change, whether it is fiscally sound or not.


  1. I like your comment about security, Melissa. It seems that many facilities ignore the proven fact that most theft is internal. My facility did the same thing - spent thousands of dollars on research room security cameras and such - when they should simply be checking everyone's bags as they leave the building, both patrons and employees. Management is so frustrating sometimes!

  2. I agree with you about securty as well. I think it's crazy to spend so much money on technology for security reasons, such as RFID tags, when the system can be beat so simply like the aluminum part of a gum wrapper. I think RFID tags are great to supply more information on the checked out item, but not for security.

  3. I really appreciate your comments about security because I think that theft will occur no matter what security measures a library takes. The people who want to steal will and to spend so much money that will ultimately not prevent said concern makes it a challenge for me to support it.
