Saturday, October 30, 2010

CSS Tutorial

I am amazed that the W3 School is willing to provide this information for free.  While this infomation is interesting, I cannot imagine myself creating a Web page using HTML and CSS.  Isn't there an easier way?  Oh wait, I just looked at assignment 6:  HTML authoring:  My 2600 page.  I guess I'll have to rethink my earlier assertion.  It looks like I will be creating a Web page with HTML afterall.


  1. Hi Melissa,

    I like the W3 Schools Tutorial and Cheat-sheet because it provides a human approach to HTML. More individuals can now connect to the back end of the web. These skills are not obtained without practice and W3 set up a good environment for learning.

  2. I agree, there should be an easier way! HTML makes my brain hurt. But our last class really cleared up some confusion. All of the examples -- and seeing how to make changes live -- were really helpful. I don't think our last assignment will be too bad.
